Kenneth's Partner Letter Archive

Since 1986, each month without fail, Kenneth Copeland has personally written a letter to his Partners, sharing the latest insights and revelation the Lord has shown him. Use this archive to read his latest letter, as well as research past letters that will charge your faith.

Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled!

In a mere 70-80 years, the world seems to have come apart at the seams. But according to God’s WORD, things are not falling apart, they are falling into place. We are getting a snapshot of what is to eventually come in the Tribulation. Instead of being in fear, we must wake up to the glorious revelation that we are covenant partners with the Most High God. His unchangeable promises are confirmed by His blood. We have nothing to fear!

Let's Get Together!


What does God’s WORD have to say about believers getting together in faith and love? Isaiah 2:1-3 says He will teach us of His ways, and we will walk in His paths. We need one another. When we gather together, our corporate anointings and faith bring in the power and healing glory of God that manifests in signs, wonders and miracles not always accessed through media. Don’t forsake the assembling together of the Body of Christ!

First of ALL Pray! 2

America was founded on a covenant established more than 400 years ago on the shore of Virginia Beach, Va. George Washington and the new government prayed, consecrating this nation to God. And our national anthem and currency declares our motto: “In God is our trust.”

Our first responsibility in prayer for this great nation is to “pray for all men, for kings, and for all that are in authority” (1 Timothy 2:1-6), and to do what Jesus said, “Always pray; don’t faint”!

First of ALL Pray!

Jesus said, “Let not your heart be troubled, but seek first the kingdom, and all the things you need will be given to you.” The Apostle Paul told Timothy in the midst of a very difficult situation: “First of all, prayers.”

Find out why Jesus and Paul would say these things when everything around us looks as if worrying is the only responsible option!

This Same Jesus!

The dividing line of the Bible is that the thief comes to steal, kill and destroy, but this same Jesus, the Good Shepherd, came that we might have life, and that more abundantly.

Find out the truth: You are not the sick trying to get healed. You are not the desperate trying to believe for finances. THIS SAME JESUS has done it all for you!

God Wants You Well!

Everything Jesus did in His earthly ministry was the perfect will of God. He went about teaching, preaching and healing. But He commissioned all of us to do the same, and more.

The kingdom of God is a healing kingdom because God is totally against any of His people being sick! Every believer should be laying hands on the sick. You were born again to be well and to carry His healing to others!