
The promises of God belong to you. Every minute of every day, as a child of God, you’re entitled to believe for them and to take possession of them. Maybe you know this, and with great joy, you move forward to take possession—only to find the enemy’s fiery darts flying toward you at every turn.

Topic: faith patience praise

Patience has a twin—faith. Kenneth Copeland calls patience and faith “the power twins,” and with good reason. Often looked at as a giant goal to attain, patience is more like the vehicle that takes your faith to the finish line—where manifestation and victory are found.

Topic: patience spiritual growth love

Are you waiting for an answer to prayer, and you don’t know what to do? You’re really trying to remain patient, but you need wisdom that can only come from the Holy Spirit. Here are six scriptural confessions to help you stand in faith while you’re waiting for your answer:

Topic: words faith bible patience peace